Sunday, August 29


Love/lΛV / n. 1. 世上最想碰的地方是他的鼻尖: almost pray to get nose-to-nose with him 2. 擁抱時心跳加速: chemistry happens within own heart while hugging him 3. 喝醉是為了滑進他的懷抱: get drunk purposely to have his arms around 4. 渴望天天下雨可以挽挽他的臂彎: long for rainy days everyday to hold his arm just for awhile 5. 在角落學跳舞是為了把辣味愛意傳送到他的角落: learn dancing somewhere to spice up his life by love somewhere 6. 只看見他笑卻沒察覺自己在笑: won’t even notice urself smiling when he smiles 7. 看見他時有種融掉中的感覺: feel like melting whenever seeing him 8. 相信愛是簡單而豐盛的: believe that love is simple n rich 9. 照鏡時看見自己的瞳孔裡閃著個人影: see somebody shining inside eyes in mirror 10. 願望是能將自己的心噗聲錄進他的留言信箱: wish to record heartbeats in his voice mail box 11. 人生目標是與他十隻腳趾緊扣坐在沙灘看日落: set life goal as going to beach, watching sunset, attaching each other’s fat toes with him 12. 無法分辨海浪聲跟他的絮語聲: unable to distinguish sea waves’ voice from his whispers 13. 好想每天給他唱一遍<流沙>: hope to sing ‘everything’s done’ once to him everyday 14. 很想跟他坐電車踏單車: want to take tram n go cycling with him very badly 15. 能夠默出他的掌紋: able to dictate his palm lines 16. 愛上給他寫情信但從不敢寄出 love writing him love letters but never dare to mail them